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Musings from 10,000 Feet

Perhaps it was the COVID lockdown or maybe a Netflix true crime series. Mad Men reruns and Don Draper? Walter Cronkite reporting? Or maybe it goes way back to my 11-year-old self in 1971.

The precise moment I decided to fall headfirst into the commonly called "Cooper Vortex" will never be precisely pinpointed. The siren call of the decades old mystery concerning the middle-aged stranger who hijacked a plane and parachuted out with $200,000 yanked me out of my solidly pleasant existence and into a frenzy.

Was he a pilot? Left-handed? A psychopath? Did his chin sag? Was the bomb real? It's the first thing I talk about before breakfast and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. I find a way to work it into every conversation. "Have you heard the latest podcast?" Better skip my lunch plans. What time is it in the UK - too late to message a new theory to a fellow fanatic? It's important! That guy in the raincoat and black sunglasses - please tell me who he is!

Welcome to the world of Negotiable Currency and help me solve the case of DB Cooper.


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